Next Generation Service Corps

The world is more complex and interconnected than it has ever been.
Hunger, homelessness, global warming, education inequality, extremism; not one of these challenges will be solved by a single government, nonprofit or corporation.
These challenges will be solved by character-driven leaders armed with a social mission and the leadership skills to bring diverse groups together towards a common goal.

The NGSC is an undergraduate leadership development program where students study their chosen major, engage in practical elements of leadership, learn cross-sector collaboration, and take internships each summer working on real issues in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors all while pursuing their own chosen social mission.

The NGSC is made up Corps members from over 150 different majors, every ASU campus, and over 35 different states.
Corps Members lead throughout the program in Mission Teams, all while taking part in other clubs including Undergraduate Student Government, intramural sports, greek life, Barrett the Honors College and clubs too numerous to name.